Cut to nearly 4 years later. I still hadn't found anything. Mostly because, hello, real life. Priorities shifting and all that. And also because it turns out A) citrine inspires some un. be. lievably. fugly jewelry, and B) apparently I've got good taste, cause if I liked it, I guarantee it cost more than a Southpaw bolster swing.

I just knew this cheap little silver ring was the one, even though my husband was offering to get me an actual piece of jewelry from an actual jewelry store. One that probably wouldn't draw blood or snag my sweaters.
But I had to have it, because this ring so perfectly captures my relationship with Bear.
He is the light of my life.
He is the center of my universe.
He is so totally spiky around the edges.
For less than 20 bucks, I have to say I wasn't expecting much. But the impulse purchase gods were with me on this one, and all I can say is the photo doesn't do it justice. It's shiny and delicate and fits perfectly. Just putting it on filled me up in a way I can't explain.
I finally have my commemorative jewelry. It was years overdue. Just like my Bear. It's not what I thought I wanted and didn't look like the ads. Just like my Bear. And it's absolutely perfect. Just like my Bear.